• MBA#22 Marnix ten Kortenaar – Iceskater, Inventor and entrepreneur

    A conversation with Marnix ten Kortenaar (trained as Physical Chemist from the TUDelft) about batteries, water, desalination, upscaling, doing visibility studies, realisme, future battery demand, hydrogen and religion. And how it turns out that salt is in some way our cradle to life and has so much […]

  • MBA21 Bill Baue & Ralph Thurm

    In this edition I speak with Bill Baue and Ralph Thurm from Reporting3.0 [R3.o.org] about the challenges related to sustainability reporting when compliance becomes the norm. It turns out aligning sustainability, governance and sustainable finance with the planetary boundaries of our spaceship is […]

  • MBA20 Jason Drew

    With ‘environmental capitalist’ Jason Drew we explored his journey on how he as an investor and entrepreneur is seeking out business opportunities that do good for the (eco)logy and business. For Jason it is just the smart thing to do as it turns out nature is so smart. From a business […]

  • MBA19 Ramon Vullings

    With entrepreneur and keynote speaker Ramon Vullings we explore his insights on cross innovation and the importance of an open mindset. Ramon promotes the concept of “Operational Elegance” as opposed to “Operational Excellence”. Operational Elegance is about caring about the client/user and […]

  • MBA18 Adriaan Korthuis

    With Adriaan Korthuis from Climate Focus we explored the space of financing emission reduction programs in particularly developing countries’ and how to make sure companies exercising good climate practices. There is an urgent need for reforestation and forest protection as each year the annual […]

  • MBA17 Brad VanStone

    With Brad Vanstone we dive into the alternative dairy solutions he is creating with Willicroft. His cheese and butter alternatives are very tasty. The butter is made from fermented soya beans and has the look and feel of real butter. The post MBA17 Brad VanStone appeared first on MBA: MASTERS OF […]

  • MBA#16 Ivanka Milenkovic

        Ivanka Milenkovic (Ekofungi) is a organic mushroom farmer in Belgrade Serbia teaching a whole new generation of mushroom farmers from all over the world. She trains mushroom farmers globally and many are also joining her academy in Belgrade. Ivanka was trained as a microbiologist and moved […]

  • The warehouse of the future

    While driving past all the new warehouses I could not wonder asking myself if we could design better logistic boxes which do much better that the current solutions. Lets image distribution centers that generate more cash flows and are also climate-positive for the benefit of the investor, user and […]

  • What do ESG’s, SDG’s, GRI, CSR, PPP have in common?

    Are you also struggling with SDGs, ESGs, GRI, Carbon Disclosure, People-Planet-Profit, Circularity, climate mitigation, Sustainability and Innovation and sustainability. I can image. It helps when you breakdown these concepts into (eco)logy, social leadership and (eco)nomy. These three areas are […]

  • MBA#15 Diana Machado de Sousa (Microbial Special Series)

    Multi-culture fermentation is the next frontier for biotech. Can we create a community of microbes who can do the job? We explore various metabolic pathways to learn more about how syntrophic metabolism works. Can we develop natural catalysts by creating robust systems? And what is the effect of […]