I help you solve and deliver unconventional (innovation) strategies for regenerative & resilient business models. In the process I will help you master an innovative mindset which enables you to lower your unit costs, save costs, increase profit margins, close material loops and do good as a result. Because all matter counts when you do it right.
Welcome, my name is Alexander Prinsen. I'm an (circular) innovation expert, podcast host and write about topics I care about. I operate on the innovation intersection of business models, sustainability, circular (eco)nomy and leadership.
I'm valued for my refreshing view on how (eco)logical thinking based on physics, biology and bio-chemistry will change business (eco)nomics for the better. Or more concrete, how to create a logical bookkeeping system which operates within the planetary boundaries. It requires some common sense, understanding natural science and the will to do better.
My interventions will inspire, empower and enable my clients to start doing for the better future we all seek. You will find it infectious and to the point, to get done what is needed.
Interested what I can do for you? lets talk

I write for the Masters Of Beautiful Achievements blog about my thoughts and case studies. It is the place where I reflect on innovation, business models, sustainability, circularity, natural science and systems thinking. For more, click here
Podcast Masters Of Beautiful Achievements
about almost anything related to innovation, leadership, systems thinking and natural science.
Podcast Nieuw Voer
my exploration about the agricultural, food and biobased transition in the Netherlands.
Let us collaborate to accelerate
Speaker and Facilitator
I provide highly interactive Keynotes to fire start your strategic sessions on sustainability, circularity, (eco)innovation, business modelling and leadership. Tailor made to the occasion.
Or as facilitator to help your teams achieve better results on sustainability, circularity and business modelling.
Or both, depending on your needs
Sparring Partner
For action-driven advise, consulting and expertise… or for a good business coaching sessions.
I support teams and organization with implementing strategy and hands on action on Sustainability, Innovation and general Project Management topics.
Are you bold enough to go on a systemic journey with me? Than let us improve your company profitability by systemically implementing (eco)logical innovations using common sense.
We live in an exciting time period of human history. Our society is being challenged from many directions all at the same time. All signs are indicating we are entering a new industrial Era and the rules of the game need to be rewritten.
How to do we deal with all these challenges? It depends on if you have the mindset to take on our future challenges from a systemic perspective.
I challenges companies and individuals to look beyond the borders of their own domain. And to embrace new ideas and system connections of everything around us. I believe there are positive alternatives on how we can operate our business models. And by the same time do good for business, environment and our planet.
With over 10 years of experience in the field of business development, team building and innovation consulting, in nearly all industries, Alexander is able to relate to the specifics in any given sector, sharing tangible ideas, spot-on inspiration and actionable advice.
What makes Alexander so unique is not only the content he shares, but also the way he presents it. Alexander is a born facilitator mixing personal insights and anecdotes with humour in the how business & life intertwine. People who have seen Alexander in action, know how infectious his energy is. Seeing and working with Alexander will energize you into a “Can do” mindset, his wide variety of innovation and creativity topics are always thought-provoking. Afterwards you will have a great set of insights to discuss with your friends, colleges and business partners. Alexander’s presentations are always a wake-up call, making you think about your (sustainable) challenges differently.
His research project, The Masters of Beautiful Achievements, is where he shares is ideas, cases and podcasts.
See Alexander’s full resume on Linkedin and read the testimonials what clients say about Alexander.
For Planetiers Home Gathering I talk about the importantance of merging Systems Thinking with Natural Science.
What others say
''Besides being a great business partner, Alexander is an incredible source of solutions to make almost any kind of business one of the next frontrunners in sustainability. He is knowledgeable, motivating and extremely practical and “no.frills”. Those who know me are aware that I am very serious about sustainability, hating to hear the word spelt inappropriately. Well, Alexander is one of the few that I would listen to for hours hearing what he can come up with to find truly, practical and profitable sustainable solutions to the business challenges of today. He is to become a trendsetter for entrepreneurs worldwide (and well on the way to)''
Federico Fioretto – Sustainability, Leadership & Conflict Transformation
“Alexander geeft duidelijk de noodzaak van actie aan. Hij confronteert studenten met de grote risico’s in de toekomst als we niks doen, maar geeft ook aan hoe werk in de toekomst gaat veranderen. Met een grote aantal voorbeelden laat Alexander studenten zien wat ze nu al kunnen doen om aan de slag te gaan en met oplossingen te komen, waarbij de natuur het startpunt is. De gastcolleges van Alexander zijn een uitstekende aanvulling op het lesprogramma als bron van ideeën en extra inspiratie.”
Gert Walhof MBA (Lector Inkoopmanagement – Professor Purchasing) &
Nol Hovens (docent Duurzame Bedrijfsvoering) Hanzehogeschool Groningen University of Applied Sciences
''Tijdens de landelijke inkoopdag voor drinkwaterbedrijven, met als thema circulair inkopen, heeft Alexander ons in een vogelvlucht meegenomen in de wereld van de circulaire en de blauwe economie. Inspirerende voorbeelden van over de hele wereld tezamen met de bevlogenheid van Alexander geven je voldoende stof tot nadenken. En niet alleen dat, het geeft je ook voldoende aanleiding om vooral te DOEN!''
Dirk Mathijssen – Manager Inkoop & Facilitair Beheer (Evides Waterbedrijf)